Economics Of Attention Pdf Writer

Economics Of Attention Pdf Writer

41 PagesPosted: 2 Oct 2017Last revised: 16 Apr 2020

Date Written: April 15, 2020


Economics is the social science that studies the production, distribution, and consumption of. Other notable writers from Antiquity through to the Renaissance include Aristotle, Xenophon, Chanakya (also known as Kautilya), Qin Shi. Defining Economics: the Long Road to Acceptance of the Robbins Definition (PDF). Adobe Acrobat Standard DC lets you simplify everyday tasks with the trusted PDF writer solution. Use Acrobat Standard to create, edit, sign, and track your PDF files.

The attention market involves competition in which platforms acquire time from consumers, with bundles of content and ads, and sell ads to marketers to deliver messages during that time. This paper shows that the attention market solves a transaction-cost problem that prevents efficient exchange between consumers and advertisers and that content plays a central role in solving that problem. The attention market contributes to consumer welfare by supplying valuable content, which more than compensates for any nuisance value of ads, and by facilitating competition through the provision of ads. This paper shows that American adults will spend more than 500 billion hours on ad-supported content in 2019. The value of content is measured in the trillions of dollars given the opportunity cost of time; recent studies of the consumer valuation of online media are consistent with that order of magnitude.

Keywords: advertising, attention platforms, attention markets, media, two-sided markets, network effects, digital platforms, online advertising, advertising and welfare, value of online content

JEL Classification: D02, D12, D13, D21, D22, D23, D62, D83, J22, K11, L11, L86, M37

Suggested Citation:Suggested Citation

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Evans, David S., The Economics of Attention Markets (April 15, 2020). Available at SSRN: or

41 PagesPosted: 2 Oct 2017Last revised: 16 Apr 2020

Date Written: April 15, 2020


The attention market involves competition in which platforms acquire time from consumers, with bundles of content and ads, and sell ads to marketers to deliver messages during that time. This paper shows that the attention market solves a transaction-cost problem that prevents efficient exchange between consumers and advertisers and that content plays a central role in solving that problem. The attention market contributes to consumer welfare by supplying valuable content, which more than compensates for any nuisance value of ads, and by facilitating competition through the provision of ads. This paper shows that American adults will spend more than 500 billion hours on ad-supported content in 2019. The value of content is measured in the trillions of dollars given the opportunity cost of time; recent studies of the consumer valuation of online media are consistent with that order of magnitude.

Keywords: advertising, attention platforms, attention markets, media, two-sided markets, network effects, digital platforms, online advertising, advertising and welfare, value of online content

JEL Classification: D02, D12, D13, D21, D22, D23, D62, D83, J22, K11, L11, L86, M37

Suggested Citation:Suggested Citation

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Evans, David S., The Economics of Attention Markets (April 15, 2020). Available at SSRN: or