Eleanor Lop Game Walkthrough

Used to really dig LOP games but having just tried this, I now realize how far behind the times they have fallen.
Art is barely average by today's standard, and there isn't that much of it. This game owes most of its length to the grind, with gameplay that clearly exists to drag the game out, not give you something fun to do. If you've ever played a LOP game you know the drill already, of course: Manage time, grind stats, talk to people about the 50% of topics they respond positively to and get some kind of outcome before time runs out.
In a world filled with alternative VNs that are far better, their gameplay format has gone from a bit boring to obnoxious, and I have a hard time recommending this game to anyone.

Read this Borderlands 3 Guns, Love, and Tentacles walkthrough of 'The Call of Gythian' main mission. Including mission tips, boss fight battles, and more.

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Back to the Cabin Walkthrough – Eleanor. Go to the shop in a weekday, during the day and talk to her to unlock her house. You can go to her house on Saturday or Sunday go there and talk to her until you unlock the massage and your first scenes. You will also earn 150 money per massage.

Table of Contents

Story Progression & Walkthrough

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On the Mountain of Mayhem-
Check Out the Guns, Love, and Tentacles Walkthrough!

The Call of Gythian Walkthrough

The Call of Gythian Walkthrough Chart

1Travel back to the Lodge
2Talk to Gaige inside the Lodge and take the Pearl of Ineffable Knowledge from Claptrap
3Head to Cursehaven
4Fight your way through the town until you get to the gates of the Heart's Desire
5Defend Deathtrap while it destroys the field
6Travel to the Heart's Desire
7Fight your way through the mansion and follow the waypoints
8Check the head mounted on the wall
9Open loot boxes to find the horn. Return it to the mount
10Go inside Vincent's office. Check the contents of his table
11Push the button found in the drawer
12Kill Tom & Xam
13Shoot and match the columns with the pattern found on the small terminal
14Continue further down. Make sure to defeat enemies along the way
15Call for the elevator to get to the second level
16Drop down to the arena
17Defeat Eleanor and the Heart

1. ~ 20. Get to Eleanor & the Heart - Tips

Recommended to Have All Kinds of Weapons

There are different types of enemies in this quest so make sure to have at least one fire, corrosive, & shock weapon in your loadout to combat them.

Check Out Elemental Damage Types Here

9. Return the Horn to the Mount - Tips

Mount Becomes an Enemy

Get ready to shoot down the head mounted on the wall because it will burst through the wall and fight you once you bring it back its horn.

10. Check the Contents of Vincent's table - Tips

Grenade in One of the Drawers

One of the drawers on Vincent's table has a live grenade that will activate and blow up. Keep a distance from the table once you open the drawers.

13. Shoot and match the columns - Tips

Correct Puzzle Pattern


Tom & Xam - Mini Boss Battle Tips

One is Fire, One is Ice

Tom and Xam have different elements, requiring you to either switch weapons or use a weapon that is neutral to both of them.

Both Have Their Own Health Bars

Xam and Tom do not share one health bar. You'll need to deplete both of their health bars to defeat them and continue on with the story.

Eleanor & the Heart - Boss Battle Tips

Need to Lower Health by Attacking Eleanor First

At first, the fight will only be against Eleanor. Keep your distance from her and shoot her from a distance. She doesn't move much so she's easy shoot.

Shoot the Crystals on the Heart

After Eleanor takes a break, you will then need to fight against the Heart and its tentacles. Focus all your aggro on the pink crystals coming out of its body.

Stay in Between the Tentacles

You'll generally be safe from damage if you stay on the space between the tentacles. Going underneath them will put you at risk of having them slam down on you, taking a chunk of your health.

Jump When Tentacles Sweep the Floor

Besides the slam, the tentacles can also damage you by sweeping the floor. If you get hit by it, you'll also be thrown back. Jump just when it's about to get close to you to dodge it.

Shares Health Between the Two of Them

Once they finally fight together, it's best to just continue shooting at the crystals of the heart rather than Eleanor. It's easier and will bring them down quicker.

Story Progression & Walkthrough

Eleanor lop game walkthrough 2
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On the Mountain of Mayhem-
Check Out the Guns, Love, and Tentacles Walkthrough!

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