Osx On Dell Inspiron 530
This is a beta branch for Mac OSX Catalina. It should be stable enough for daily use, but can result in unexpected behaviour.
Dell Inspiron 530 Desktop Computer (Intel Core 2 Duo Processor E6550 2.33GHz, 500GB HDD, 2GB RAM) ddcwdc34. Inspiron 530, RAM limit, 8GB works Just wanted to make a note that an Inspiron 530 works fine with 8GB RAM. Also interesting is that a Hackintosh can be made to work great on this machine with iMac14,2 ID.
This contains the required files and a tutorial for the installation of OS X 10.15 DP on the Dell XPS 15 9550. The files and tutorials for 10.11, 10.12, 10.13 and 10.14 are in a different branch
Setup tested with the XPS15 containing Toshiba 512GB SSD, 16GB RAM and 4K Display as well as LiteON 512GB SSD, 8GB RAM and the FHD Display
You can follow the guide to install Catalina on your own machine: guide
Discord: Rules. No profanity: Keep it clean. No torrent links or P2P of copyrighted material: We want to avoid legal trouble, so please don't share links like this in posts or comments. Flair your posts: Please make sure to flair your posts by clicking the 'flair' button below the post. Questions Must Have Adequate Information: At a minimum, you must provide your Motherboard Model, CPU, GPU, and install method.
Install on Dell Inspiron 530S Post by AlanBartlett » Fri Mar 07, 2008 12:17 pm It may be useful to others if you would please confirm the actual identity of the on-board NIC by posting the output of blspci grep Ethernet/b. I researched and found a away to add SLIC2.1 to the unlocked Dell 530 bios 18. I took the ROM file from two posts back, got the DELL SLIC bin & matching certificates and used the Award tool to make the new BIOS. Bios boots comes up fine and boots all OS's I have. Used SLIC Tool kit v3.2 to verify the SLIC version and it confirms 2.1.
RAM/HDD/SSD/Monitor/Accessories are usually not the cause of issues (though you may provide them anyway). We reserve the right to remove posts that don't meet the minimum criteria. Trnsys 15. If you are asking about a Laptop, you must provide the full model number. Search Before Posting: If your question has already been posted before (even if not by you), please make sure to read the other post before posting. In the event it doesn't answer your question/problem, please link prior post you read and then ask about what you don't understand.
Low effort posts will be removed. Memes: While memes are not explicitly banned from this sub - the purpose of this sub is to discuss Hackintosh. Excessive meme posting will be considered spam, and the posts removed.Browse Categories:What is a Hackintosh?A Hackintosh is a non-Apple computer that runs macOS.AMD USERS READ THIS: While it may be more work, the AMD hackintosh scene has gotten quite a bit easier. Do note we're primarily an intel subreddit but feel free to ask questions relating to AMD based systems. (AMD Laptops and AMD integrated GPUs are unsupported). You can find the AMD OS X discord.macOS INSTALLERS NOTE: This sub is dedicated to legally obtained copies of macOS.
Dell Inspiron 530s
Please do not ask, or post, about things like iAtkos, Niresh, or any other modified macOS installer that may have malicious code in it!.Pre-Built EFI NOTE: We provide minimal support for Pre-Built EFIs from GitHub, Hackintosher and such due to generally being heavily outdated, poorly made and users not knowing what their hackintoshes are doing. You may still ask for help but please be prepared to remake your EFI from scratch following the.UniBeast and Multibeast NOTE: Unfortunately we do not support the use of beast tools due to being closed sourced, can modify MacOS files and users generally not know what these tools are doing. Elsawin keygen for mac free. You will be requested to restart your installation following the to properly learn hackintoshing or face public humiliation and be stuck with your broken HackintoshCheck out the brand-new Don't ask before you read it fully, twice.Make sure you post your Hackintosh's specifications when you ask questions.
(Posting guidelines in the or further down the sidebar)Regarding info/guides posted to this subreddit, we reserve all right to remove posts we feel either break the rules, provide poor info or redirects to other poorly made guides. So today I successfully installed and booted macOS Sierra on the Dell inspiration 5559. I used a custom config.plist (I know such things are not allowed here but I used the config.plist from hackintosh.zone Sierra. That's the only part I got from there. Sierra is stock.
Am I going to get banned?) and some other kexts. After it installed and booted, I did some research from Windows and found a kext for the Realtek RTL8139 (and all RTL81xx'es I guess) and got ethernet working but now I'm getting 'Device has no IP' and writing this from a personal hotspot + bluetooth (Bluetooth hardware supported out of the box) so well my laptop is a pretty good HackBook and the only thing which doesn't work yet is the graphics acceleration.
I'm going to try some bootlegs and some config.plist magic and when I get everything working I'll make a guide for this laptop.EDIT: GraphicsEnabler=Yes seems to be solving BIG graphical issues but small and normal ones are still here like in Chrome youtube doesn't load properly and input boxes on sites again don't show correctly.EDIT2: I used the RebHabMan's config.plist with Lilu.kext and IntelGraphicsFixup.kext and I have acceleration working, there are no artifacts at all, everyhthing is smooth, but some pixels at the top left corner are flickering, but that's better than artifacts, right? Currently trying to get audio working.EDIT3: Audio & speaker work! So does the headpone jack, but the sound in headpones is awful. Just spoken to Siri, said 'Open Safari' but she heard 'Open Safri' LOL. Um, now you can install El Captain (Google: 'Dell Inspirion 5559 hackintosh' and you'll find the guide on tonymacx86) and I have evrything working instead of WiFi (hardware is fully unsupported, needs a custom card) but you can use ethernet or a hotspot + bluetooth which is supported out of the box without any kexts and graphics acceleration but I think I'm going to grt it working tomorrow. So, I'll link you the guide when it's done and will let you know when I get audio & speaker and graphics acceleration working.
Hello there!I hackintoshed my Inspiron 5459, and got everything working. One of these days I'm finishing my guide on it.About Ethernet: try other versions of the RTL8100 kext.
Dell Inspiron 530 Specs
The one that completely worked for me was 1.0.0 RC1. The latest ones didn't work for me at all, with the same issues you are facing now.Regarding graphics, is your laptop on Skylake graphics? If so, you ought to use patch on Clover. I have no graphic issues whatsoever.You have to use the correct platform-id on your config.Remember that when you are using Clover Kext patches you always have to rebuild your Kext Cache after you install or remove any kext.
Otherwise, you get a bootloop.If you do forget, and you get a bootloop, use a random/fake platform id. Or disable the patch when in Clover. You'll be able to boot without graphic acceleration.Let me know if you have any issues. Hope this is useful.