Web Service To File Scenario In Sap Pi Sheet
WebService to WebService Synchronous scenario
By Pravesh Sharma, CSC
Scenario: -
This document is made to explain the WebService to WebService Scenario using SAP XI as an Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) platform.
We are sending two numbers from a WebService Client Application using sender SOAP adapter to the Integration server. This input message is sent to the Receiver WebService using receiver SOAP adapter whose wsdl is imported in XI as an external definition and WebService is sending response back.
In our scenario, we will be sending SOAP request to a webservice for computing currency value between two countries. The value is sent back as a SOAP response to the requester. Download the WSDL of the receiver Web service ‘CurrencyConverter’ from the internet and save it as a.wsdl file. Jul 29, 2013 We listen too much about SAP PI as an integrator and every SAP connection is done thru it (that’s the best way to do it, I think) but it is not the only way. Since ERP 4.7 it is possible to consume/provide services directly from ABAP. When our scenario is SAP - WebService the first thing we need is a working webservice.
System Message Flow:-
SOAP-XI-SOAP scenario
Configuring Sender SOAP adapter so that the message from the WebService Client Application can be transformed to the Integration Server. We are using receiver SOAP adapter and Web Service to send the response back.
Web Services are a standard format for exchanging data. The standard is based on XML
and consists of a SOAP envelope with a header and a body. The XI system allows creating a WSDL file from an interface description and uploading a WSDL file.
1)Business system is created in SLD (We will be using Business System E11BS as the Receiver Service. We will create Fn. Module in XI System that is why we are using E11BS Business System).
Watch the black swan online. 2)Software Component and namespace is created in which development has to be done.
3)WebService Client Application (Altova XML Spy) is available to send request to the Integration Server.
Create a Remote-Enabled Function Module having two Import parameters of type INT4 and an Export parameter of type INT4.This Function Module will be exposed as a Web Service.
Add the source code for the Function Module.
To develop Web Service choose Utilities (M) àMore UtilitiesàCreate Web ServiceàFrom the Function Module from the main menu.
Follow the Wizard for Web Service creation.
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